Legal notice
General presentation
You are currently connected to the ‘’ website, published by:
Accueil Partenaires
Head Office: 31 rue d’Amsterdam – 75008 PARIS
Telephone: 01 71 19 78 68
SIRET identifier: 78922706300094
RCS: Paris 789 227 063
VAT: FR53789227063
Share capital: €100,000.00
Publication: Mélodie Daurat
The publisher undertakes to comply with all laws concerning the establishment and activity of a website.
Juliana Web creator
PIBS 2 – Le Radium
8 rue Pierre et Marie Curie – 56000 Vannes
Telephone: 02 97 54 77 90
In accordance with the provisions of articles L 611-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code, any consumer dispute or litigation may be settled out of court through mediation by the CMAP (Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage de Paris). Disputes cannot be reviewed by the mediator if the request is manifestly unfounded or abusive, or has previously been examined or is currently being examined by another mediator or by a court, or if the consumer submitted his/her request to the mediator more than one year after his/her written complaint to our company SGRHVS MONTEMPÔ, or if the dispute does not fall within the mediator’s field of competence, or finally if the consumer does not prove that he has first attempted to resolve his dispute directly with our Company by means of a written complaint in accordance with the procedures provided for in the contract, if any, and has received no response for 60 days.
To submit your dispute to the mediator, you can (i) fill in the form on the CMAP website: tab ‘vous êtes: un consommateur’ (you are: a consumer), (ii) send your request by ordinary or registered mail to CMAP Médiation Consommation, 39 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 PARIS, or (iii) send an email to Regardless of the means used to contact the CMAP, your request must contain the following information in order to be processed quickly:
Your postal address, email and telephone number, as well as your full name and address with a brief statement of the facts, and proof of prior steps taken with our Company or the establishment concerned.
3. Personal data
The personal information and data concerning the Client are intended for HOME PARTNERS, the data controller, as well as its subcontractors, and are necessary for the management of his/her stay as well as for the commercial relations arising from this Contract. In cases where the Client has been referred to the Residence by (i) the State representative in the department or his delegates or (ii) another legal entity acting on behalf of the Client, the information relating to the Client’s stay may, within the limits and under the conditions provided for in the booking agreements concluded between ACCUEIL PARTENAIRES and these organisations, be transferred to the organisation concerned as part of the follow-up to the reservation made on the Customer’s behalf. The Customer is informed of this automated processing of information, in particular the management of his or her e-mail address. The Customer’s personal data file is the subject of a declaration to the CNIL.
In accordance with the law of 6 January 1978, the Customer has the right to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning him/her, as well as the right to object, with reasons, to the processing of such data. To exercise this right, the Customer simply needs to send a request stating his/her surname, first names, e-mail address and, if possible, his/her Customer references to:
- By email to the following address:
- Or by post to: ACCUEIL PARTENAIRES, 31 Rue D’Amsterdam 75008 PARIS
Unless expressly authorised by the Client to do so and notwithstanding the case mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, the Operator shall refrain from disclosing on its own behalf or on behalf of a third party, for the purposes of marketing or distribution, whether free of charge or in return for payment, the personal data made available to it by the Client. He undertakes to keep all personal data provided strictly confidential and to use it only for the purpose for which it was provided. Upon expiry of the contract, the Operator undertakes to destroy any medium containing such personal data within the legal time limits and not to keep any copy thereof that would allow said data to be communicated.
4. Opposition to telephone canvassing
In accordance with Article L.223-2 of the Consumer Code, consumers who do not wish to be the subject of commercial canvassing by telephone can register free of charge on a list to oppose telephone canvassing. This list can be accessed via the following website:
5. Technical information
Please note that the confidentiality of correspondence via the Internet cannot be guaranteed and that it is up to each Internet user to take all the appropriate measures to protect his/her data and/or software from all possible contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet.
6. Editorial charter
The purpose of the ‘’ website is to present the services offered by ACCUEIL PARTENAIRES. It also contains simulation tools.
The presentation of products, photographs and graphics is purely for information purposes and ACCUEIL PARTENAIRES cannot be held liable for it, nor can the validity of an order be questioned on the basis of it.
7. Copyright
The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other element of the site, by any process or medium whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement without the publisher’s authorisation.
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